How to Remove Cooking Oil Stains from Clothes
Cooking oil stains are a common problem. To remove these stains from your clothes it’s best to start by pretreating the stain. Use Clorox® for Colors for colored clothes, or Clorox® Gel Thick Bleach + Cleaner for white clothes.
Follow these simple steps for pretreating and washing colored clothes:
ApplyApply Clorox® for Colors directly to the stain.
RubRub gently and let stand for 5 minutes.
WashWash normally. Do not allow product to dry on fabric.
Follow these simple steps for pretreating and washing white clothes:
ApplyApply Clorox® Gel Thick Bleach + Cleaner directly to stains.
WaitLet set for 2–3 minutes.
WashWash normally. Do not allow product to dry on fabric.
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